IET Management Symposium 2024

Driving Sustainability

"From Solar and Wind to Hydrogen"


Mr Dominic YIN

Dominic is currently the Advisor of Carbon Neutrality of UNDP, President of Greater China Sustainable Development Council Ltd and Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Green Strategy Alliance (HKGSA). In addition to these three positions, he holds 10 Green Engergy senior position of related companies / organisations. 


Besides, he is the Former Director of Chengdu Committee of Chinese People`s Political Consultative Conference and Ex-Chairman and current Honorary Chairman of Shenzhen Energy Saving Association.

Dominic’s lecture is entitled "SMR & Desalination to get fresh water & Green Hydrogen" where he’ll share with us his vision in leveraging on the latest development in advanced Small Modular Nuclear Reactor as a preferred source of clean energy for the production of hydrogen and desalination of portable water. The idea would offer solutions to a number of pressing issues confronting Hong Kong including fresh water supply, the release of land from the reclamation of reservoirs for housing and urban development and the generation of hydrogen as a source of clean energy for vehicles and domestic utilities, …

Ir Raymond POON, JP

Director of Electrical & Mechanical Services / Gen Mgr, EMSTF, The Government of the HKSAR

Raymond will share "Hydrogen Fuelled Future with Peace of Mind" with us.


Feng is a Managing Director, head of APAC Sustainable Finance Advisory at Bank of America. She is based in Hong Kong. 


In this role, she focuses on providing customized client decarbonization solutions by leveraging bank’s Net‐Zero framework. She brings the bank’s holistic sustainable financing capabilities to help clients in their low carbon transition. She drives and expands opportunities across social sectors as part of bank’s inclusive Development efforts by partnering closely with multilateral development bank and other international alliances.

Ms Lit Ping LOW

Lit Ping leads PwC’s Asia Pacific Climate Change practice. She is an experienced climate strategy, policy and finance economist with over 20 years of experience providing advisory services to public and private sector clients on climate change, environmental and social issues and green finance. She has advised many businesses in their journey on integrating climate, nature and environmental issues within their businesses’ strategy, risk, investment and operations, across sectors such as energy and infrastructure, retail and consumer as well as financial services. One of her recent focuses has been on supporting the growth and development of the hydrogen infrastructure in Hong Kong.

She has collaborated with international organisations including WBCSD, WEF and CDP to raise awareness and advance the climate agenda. She was formerly a Senior Specialist to the World Bank’s Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation Practice, supporting governments in managing the financial risks of climate and disaster events.

Feng and Lit Ping will share "Green Financing" dfdwith us. Her speech related to a macro-economic and financing perspective with the theme of “Setting the scene: big picture on global energy transition". Key message is that Net Zero (NZ) is an Economic Imperative, $3-9 Trillion per annum in climate finance is needed to reach to net zero by 2050.

Mr Patrick COOPER

Patrick is Arup’s Hydrogen Specialist in Hong Kong. He is part of Arup’s project group who assisted EMSD in enabling Hong Kong’s first hydrogen bus and hydrogen filling station to operate in the city. He is a trained Chemical Engineer with a background in natural gas processing, concentration solar power and wastewater treatment.

Patrick will share "Why do Hydrogen Projects Dissipate?" with us. His presentation will look at the pitfalls that currently prevent the mass development of hydrogen projects, both in Hong Kong and abroad. It will explore why these projects can have long development cycles and how delays in the establishment of clear, robust supply lines can hold back future development. He will share with us his view at the technological, political, economic and social limitations holding back hydrogen proliferation across the major players today. Additionally, he will analyse what steps or incentive schemes have developers and governments used to support hydrogen projects and what effects these measures have had so far.


Mr. CHANG is the Director of Business Strategy, Generation at CLP Power Hong Kong Limited. He has over 30 years of power generation experience with diversified exposure, including project design and implementation, risk and integrity management, asset maintenance and management, and business strategy. He is a Fellow Member of HKIE and also a member of IMechE.

Mr Ki On NG

Mr. NG has been working in CLP Power Hong Kong Limited since 1992 and is currently the Director of Generation Engineering. The author is now a member of IMechE..

Mr. CHANG and Mr. Ng will share the topic of Transformation to Hydrogen Firing in Black Point Power Station. Decarbonization of the electricity supply is the largest effort towards community-wide decarbonization. Decarbonization is a pressing priority for CLP as the energy industry undergoes rapid change. The expectations of stakeholders are ever-growing, creating a series of opportunities. While phasing out coal firing is crucial, it is equally important to explore alternative "GREEN" fuels as substitutes for traditional fossil fuels. Hydrogen emerges as a promising solution in this regard.


In this presentation, we will discuss CLP's decarbonization roadmap, highlighting the transition to piloting hydrogen firing at the Black Point Power Station. We will discuss the challenges associated with this transformation and the technological developments required to overcome them. Additionally, we will draw insights from successful international cases where hydrogen deployment has proven effective. 

Professor NG Yun-hau

Yun-hau NG is a professor at the School of Energy and Environment, and the director of Low-Carbon and Climate Impact Research Centre (LCCIC) at City University of Hong Kong. He received his PhD (Chemistry) from Osaka University in 2009. After brief attachment at the University of Notre Dame, he moved to Australia and became a lecturer at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in 2014. He joined CityU in 2018.


In 2021, Dr. Ng received a HKSAR Green Tech Fund (GTF) to develop a demonstration unit of solar hydrogen from water to produce electricity. Over years, he has secured >HKD$60 million funding for his research in the area of green energy.

Professor NG will share "Solar Fuels (Hydrogen) from Photocatalysis" with us. His presentation will explore why hydrogen technology is considered one of the potential solutions in Hong Kong for addressing the challenges faced in achieving carbon neutrality. Hydrogen usage is more meaningful when it is produced in a green way. Photovoltaic-driven electrolysis of water is the current dominant strategy in producing green hydrogen. The necessity of highly clean water in the operation of most of the commercially-available electrolysers may impose future. At the School of Energy and Environment (SEE) City University of Hong Kong, beside electrolyser research, we are also developing non-electrolyser type photocatalyst technology which can produce hydrogen from natural raw water or wastewater under sunlight. The development of powder-type and thin film-type photocatalytic system has attracted interest from government and industries within and beyond Hong Kong. In this sharing session, progress and status of this photocatalytic technology will be discussed. The utilization scenario in Hong Kong will be shared.

Ms Catherine LEUNG


Catherine Leung is Lead Environmental Manager for Hong Kong Transport Services, MTR Corporation. Catherine has completed her Master in the University of Melbourne, Australia, specializing in environmental engineering and management. She has over 20 years environmental management experience in the railway service industry. She takes the lead in green railway initiatives/projects for achieving de-carbonization on the operating railways and bringing improvements to the operating environment by introducing green railway technologies.  She works on numbers of green projects to achieve carbon reduction, new energy explorations as well as pollution/emission reduction.

Catherine will share "Applying New Energy Solutions for a Green Railway" with us. In 2023, the Science Based Targets initiative (“SBTi”) approved MTR’s targets for reducing the Corporation’s GHG emissions for railway and property businesses in Hong Kong. Under these targets, MTR aims to reduce about half of its GHG emissions by 2030, using 2019 as the base year for comparison.


In this presentation, we will discuss MTR’s decarbonization roadmap and how to achieving a greener railway operation while striving for carbon neutrality by 2050.

Mr Colin TAM

Colin has over 44 years of experience in USA, Asia, and Middle East as an entrepreneur and senior executive. He is now a developer, strategic advisor, and investor in the industries of renewable energy, Fintech, emerging environmental related technologies.  He maintains an extensive network in the related business, government, and financial sectors.  Colin was a founder and CEO of two successful regional energy companies which are now listed on the HK Stock Exchange by their new owners. He is the current chairman of 2 NGOs, HAESCO and IPPF. 

Colin will share "Wastes to Green Energy & Chemicals" with us. Hydrogen sourced from energy recovery processes and conversion of waste materials is a method of providing both a clean fuel and a sustainable waste management alternative to landfill and incineration. The question is whether waste-to–hydrogen can become part of the zero-carbon future energy mix and serve as one of the cleaner hydrogen sources which is economically viable and environmentally friendly. This work critically assessed the potential of waste as a source of hydrogen production via various thermochemical (gasification and pyrolysis) and biochemical (fermentation and photolysis) processes. 

Ir Simon NGO

Simon is the Head of Engineering – H. K. Utility of the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited overseeing the company’s gas production and underground network infrastructures in Hong Kong. He has over 40-year experience in production, transmission and distribution of town gas which is hydrogen-rich. His span of responsibility covers all engineering aspects from design, planning, construction to operation and maintenance. 

Simon will share "Towngas' Hydrogen, Back to the Future" with us. Carbon neutrality has been one of the hottest topics worldwide in recent years, and quite rightly so given its tremendous impact on the future generations of humankind. The targets to achieve carbon neutrality have been set in the country’s “30-60” dual carbon goals and the HKSAR Government’s “Climate Action Plan 2050”. Towngas, as a key energy supplier, has been exploring various possible means to help pave the way towards these glorious yet tough targets. One of the initiatives is to extract hydrogen, which accounts for about 50% of the town gas composition, from any part of the pipeline network for clean energy applications, such as hydrogen fuel cells for buses and trucks. With over 160 years of experience in handling hydrogen-rich gas and its 3,700km gas pipeline network that can reach virtually every part of the territory, Towngas is aiming to ignite a hydrogen economy to provide Hong Kong with a fast-track, safe, efficient and low-cost hydrogen supply for the transport and commercial sectors. On top of that, Towngas is also actively exploring other green energy initiatives, including solar PV, green methanol, waste-to-hydrogen, landfill gas-to-hydrogen, and more.