IET Management Symposium 2024 - 

Driving Sustainability : From Solar and Wind to Hydrogen


24 May 2024 09:00 Friday


Ballroom, Level 7, CORDIS HOTEL, Mongkok




China’s 2060 carbon neutrality commitment made in 2020 is a major policy-oriented development that could aid the shift in hydrogen production away from fossil fuels to renewables for electricity generation and the deployment of fuel cell vehicles, the top two contributors to green-house gas emissions.


In his 2023 policy address delivered on 25th October, the Chief Executive of HKSAR announced the formulation of Strategy on Hydrogen Development in Hong Kong in the first half of 2024, and commence the preparatory work for the necessary legislative amendments pertaining to the production, storage, transportation and application of hydrogen fuel with a view to introducing a bill to the Legislative council by 2025, high lighting the significance of the initiative and delineated the shape of things to come that would revolutionize the energy landscape of Hong Kong forever.


The symposium aims to bring in enterprise management, senior government officials, entrepreneurs, technology leaders, solution providers and leading academia to share their thoughts and visions on their respective areas of expertise with members of the audience in an interactive manner.